Understanding the link between the earth’s naturally occuring frequencies, our body’s cells, and, how PEMF therapy can support whole-body health:
The earth and the ionosphere surrounding it have resonance frequencies for electromagnetic radiation called the Schumann resonance (7.83 Hz). This natural frequency is not a fixed number, but an average of global readings. The Schumann resonance actually fluctuates due to geographical location, lightening, solar flare, atmospheric ionisation, and daily cycles.
These frequencies are excited mainly by lightening (with more than 7 million strikes across the globe per day), but they can also be induced by solar flares. These flashes of energy have a frequency of 7.83 Hz and higher harmonics or octaves.
The octaves primarily fall in the 0 Hz – 30 Hz range which are the most important for our body, mind, and cells. The first harmonic of 7.83 Hz is by far the strongest, with each subsequent harmonic diminishing in intensity. For all practical purposes, harmonics above the fifth harmonic are virtually undetectable.
The Primary Harmonics Of The Schumann Resonance
1st Harmonic 7.83 Hz
2nd Harmonic 14.07 Hz
3rd Harmonic 20.25 Hz
4th Harmonic 26.41 Hz
5th Harmonic 32.45 Hz
The 7.83 Schumann wave is the prime broadcasting frequency for all life on earth. It appears in all living organisms. Every living thing is tuned to this frequency and its harmonics.
It’s the most important facet of earth PEMFs that we need for life. We all march to the tune of this planetary heartbeat, which sets the tempo for our health and well-being.
The Earth’s Magnetic Fields
The earth also has magnetic fields which has a frequency harmonic as well.
This frequency was found to be 11.79 Hz at the poles and 11.75 Hz at the equator. The difference coming from the fact that the earth “bulges” at the equator due to centrifugal forces of its rotation.
So the earth’s magnetic field has a fundamental frequency of 11.79 Hz (polar) and 11.75 Hz (equatorial) and just like the Schumann frequency, it has higher harmonics:
The Primary Harmonics Of The Earth’s Geomagnetic Field (Pole Radius)
1st Harmonic 11.79 Hz
2nd Harmonic 16.67 Hz
3rd Harmonic 23.58 Hz
4th Harmonic 30.8 Hz
It’s important to note that primary frequencies and harmonics for both the Schumann and geomagnetic frequencies lie within the 0-30 Hz. This 0-30 Hz is the primary window of frequencies that the earth emits. This window also includes the human body, mind and it’s cells.
The Body-Mind-Earth Connection (0-30 Hz)
Everything in life is vibration – Albert Einstein
We hear a lot about the body-mind connection in alternative medicine, when in fact it is not the whole picture as it lacks the key element – earth. Perhaps the most important point to note is that the 0-30 Hz frequency range the earth provides is the great connector, which energises, synchronises and plugs us into the earth’s nurturing energy field.
This field is holographic and energetic like our body’s own energy field. It sustains, protects and nourishes all your organ systems, tissues and cells. We are part of the very fabric of the earth’s holographic field, more so when we are connected to it with our skin (grounding). Very simply, health is a state of being connected to the earth and all the elements needed for life, while ill health is a mirrored state of being disconnected.
The following are the four aspects of energy related to the body-mind-earth connection:
- The frequencies the earth emits
- The frequencies our tissues and cells absorb
- The frequencies our mid operates at
- The frequencies our body radiates and projects
The frequencies that the earth emits through both the Schumann and geomagnetic frequencies (along with the higher harmonics or “octaves”) are primarily in the 0-30 Hz range
Studies by Siskin and Walker proved that tissues in our body resonate primarily to the frequency range of 0-30 Hz. Adey and Bawin’s research showed that the actual biological window of frequencies our cells resonate to is ONLY found within the 0-30 Hz range, and NOT outside of it.
The brain and central nervous system are tuned to the 0-30 Hz frequency range as evidenced by the medically established EEG brain state frequencies from low delta to high beta.
The earth emits this range of 0-30 Hz frequencies, we absorb them, our brains are tuned to them and we even EMIT them. There is a fundamental connection, or more accurately “entrainment” between the body, mind and earth.
Frequencies Our Cells Resonate To And Absorb (0-30 Hz)
Beginning in the mid-70s, W.R. Adey and S.M. Bawin did several experiments and their research found that when cells were treated with a certain range of frequencies and intensities, they responded with readable results.
Outside of these ranges or “windows”; however, there was no response or minimal at best. This window corresponds exactly to the primary frequencies of the earth’s Schumann and geomagnetic fields (0-30 Hz).
W.R. Adey said with regards to PEMF signals on treating the body, “small is powerful, less is more”.
Research has shown that biological systems defy the seemingly obvious logic that a larger stimulus should produce a larger effect. As it turns out, in living systems weak and even extremely weak fields can have very potent and powerful effects, while strong fields may have little or no effect (or even be harmful).
So not only is there a frequency window, but there is an intensity window as well – which are the intensities the earth gives us.
Our Cells And Tissues Need 0-30 Hz PEMF
At the level of tissues, the same 0-30 Hz frequency range has been shown to have the most positive benefits on the human body. The list below highlights the frequencies in the 0-30 Hz range that biomedical researchers are finding effective for the healing of soft and hard tissues.
In 1995, Siskin & Walker noted that a PEMF frequency of 2Hz stimulated nerve regeneration, and a frequency of 7 Hz can be used to stimulate bone growth. Frequencies of 10 Hz promotes ligament healing, and 15, 20, and 72 Hz may be used to decrease skin necrosis and stimulate capillary formation. Since tissues and organs are made of cells, this research further confirms the hypothesis the human body needs, resonates and responds to the 0-30 Hz range of frequencies.
Frequency | Effects |
2 Hz | Nerve Regeneration |
7 Hz | Bone Growth |
10 Hz | Ligament Healing |
15, 20 Hz | Stimulation Capillary Formation |
Frequencies That The Human Body Emits (0-30 Hz)
In the early 1980’s, Dr. John Zimmerman began a series of important studies on the therapeutic touch, and discovered that a pulsating bio-magnetic field emanated from the hands of therapeutic touch practitioners.
He found the frequency of the pulsations are not steady, but “sweep” up and down, from 0-30 Hz, with the most activity around the Schumann resonance in the 7-8 Hz range showing that the primary frequency emitted by the earth is the primary frequency we humans also emit.
Low frequency, low intensity PEMF therapy devices give the SAME energy (pulsed magnetic fields) as emitted by energy healers and chi kung/martial arts practitioners, with the ideal range being 0-30 Hz at a low intensity around the earth’s natural field strength.
Frequencies That Our Brain Operates At
Research has shown brain waves regulate the overall operation of the nervous system, including states of consciousness. The brain has four primary states of consciousness operating in the 0-30 Hz range as recorded by EEG (electroencephalogram) machines:
- Delta (1-4 Hz) – dreamless, rejuvenating sleep
- Theta (4-8 Hz) – not awake, not asleep – dreaming sleep (REM), deep meditation, hypnosis, trance and access to the unconscious mind
- Alpha (8-12 Hz) – relaxation, super learning, relaxed focus, pre-sleep and awake drowsiness
- Beta (12-30 Hz) – thinking, concentration, arousal, alertness along with anxiety, stress, and the fight or flight response
It’s no coincidence that the earth, brain, body and cells ALL operate within the same frequency range of 0-30 Hz
Body-Mind-Earth – Biological Entrainment – Understanding The 0-30 Hz Connection
To better understand this body-mind-earth connection, it is helpful to introduce the principle called “entrainment”, which describes a situation in which two rhythms that have nearly the same frequency become coupled to each other so that both end up with the same frequency.
Christian Huygens coined the term entrainment when he noticed two pendulum clocks close together had begun swinging to the same rhythm. In living systems there are many examples of entrainment; for instance, crickets chirp in unison and fireflies flash at the same time. There have also been studies where females who live with one another eventually synch up their menstrual cycles. Our bodies are entrained to various light/dark, temperature, lunar and solar cycles.
Most importantly is the body, mind and cellular entrainment with the frequencies of the earth and how the earth, body, brain and cells function primarily in the 0-30 Hz range.
Magnetite – The Great Connector Of The Body-Mind-Earth
Human brains contain bio-magnetite (found in the highest concentration in the pineal gland) that provides an electromagnetic or energetic link between our body, mind, the Schumann resonance and geomagnetic frequencies of the earth.
Research has shown that in addition to the brain and pineal gland, magnetite is actually found in most tissues of the human body.
Magnetite is the only known metallic compound made by living organisms and has the highest electrical conductivity of any biomechanical compound in the human body. Although the total amount of magnetite in an adult human is just a few hundred micrograms, it interacts very strongly with external magnetic fields.
Magnetite is also found in areas of the brains and tissues of insects, fish, birds and mammals. It is most concentrated in the brains of migratory animals, which rely on cues from the earth’s magnetic field for guidance and direction.
In the human body, studies by Kirschvink and others have shown that bio-magnetite can act as a transducer, which means it can convert one form of energy to another. As an example, the magnetite found in the cell membranes can convert the electromagnetic energy from the earth into mechanical energy such as ion transport across the cell membrane.
Ion transport is important in many cellular functions such as ATP production.
Magnetite in the brain and body not only synchronises our body and brain to the rhythm of the earth, it helps as well to “capture” the earth’s natural pulsating magnetic energy to activate the sodium-potassium pump, which participates in energy production (via ATP) in the body.
Magnetite in the pineal gland is the biological antenna that connects the earth to our body, brain and cells in the great symphony of life.
In Summary
The earth’s magnetic field, Schumann resonance frequencies and their higher harmonics (0-30 Hz) are an essential element of life and health that our body needs.
Through magnetite and molecular antennas in the body, primarily the brain, we tune into and resonate to the 0-30 Hz range which our tissues and cells also require.
This frequency range is nurturing, healing and repairing.
Our Earthband PEMF bracelet, produces pulse healing frequencies between 4 Hz and 22 Hz through the natural movement of your wrist and arm throughout the day. It can be worn 24/7 and will help support your body’s healing, especially when you’re not grounded.
Source and recommended reading: “PEMF – The 5th Element of Health”, Bryant A. Meyers (Balboa Press)
Tag: Earthband , Earthing Bands , Health , PEMF , Wearables