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Are there any grounding mat dangers?

Is grounding safe?

The Safety and Benefits of Grounding: An In-depth Exploration

One of the most common questions people ask when first getting into grounding is, “Is grounding safe?” and “are there any grounding mat dangers?” when I use one of the products to ground indoors.

This is a reasonable question when discussing body voltage and benefits from the Earth’s electromagnetic fields, so let’s take look into what’s what!

Here’s some information on grounding, safety, side effects, and more.

What Is Grounding?

If you haven’t heard of “grounding” or “earthing” before or just starting out, let’s start with some of the basics.

Grounding is a completely natural thing for humans (and animals) to do – we evolved in direct contact with the earth through walking barefoot and it’s only in relatively recent times that, as a society we have become disconnected from the ground.  This is mainly since the 1950’s when rubber soled shoes were invented.  When you have direct skin contact with the earth your body becomes electrically stable and becomes awash with the earth’s negative electrons.

Our bodies need this electrical nutrition to keep inflammation at bay and for our cells to operate at their optimum.

The chances are, that at some point in your life, you’ve walked barefoot in nature, felt connected to the earth beneath your bare feet and received the free electrons from the earth and it felt positive.  It felt good.  It felt as though it was benefitting you in some way.

Just like you do when you go on holiday and spend time at the beach!

What this got to do with a Grounding Mat?

Of course, it’s not always easy to always walk outside completely barefoot. If you experience disabilities, walking outdoors might not be suitable for you. If you live in an inner city and don’t have a garden of your own. If you live somewhere with a hot climate or a particularly cold climate, walking barefoot may be uncomfortable or even dangerous, burning or freezing the soles of your feet.  We live, travel and work in boxes insulated away from the ground but this is where a grounding mat can come into play.

Grounding mats or grounding sheets are specialist mats designed to allow you to be grounded indoors by connecting directly to the ground port of your home’s electrical outlet. This may initially sound a little scary or hazardous, but don’t worry; you’re not plugging into an electrical outlet. Instead, you are plugging into the ground port only and electrons from the earth that are then passed through the ground wire of your home.


But Are Grounding Mats Safe?

YES absolutely!

**Please note that in the Earthing® brand which we sell at BeGrounded there is a 100 Kilo-Ohm resistor built within the connector cords giving you an added layer of protection just in case of a power surge through a lightening strike or if you are handling a faulty electrical item whilst grounded, such as a laptop computer, hairdryer etc.**

Grounding mats are safe when used properly.

  1. Initial Setup: When you first get your mat, plug a socket tester into the mains socket and turn the socket switch ON. A combination of lights will show whether that point has a connection to the earth. Only use your grounding mat if the tester displays the message “OK” or “CORRECT earth.” If after testing your socket tester does not display an OK or CORRECT message, then please consult an electrician before using the outlet.
  2. Consultation with Professionals: If you have any health concerns or existing conditions, consult your doctor before starting grounding. This ensures that you receive tailored advice, especially as grounding has wonderful blood-thinning effects, which need to be taken into account if you are on blood-thinning medication, and might need to be adjusted by your GP. Please also take advice if you wear a pacemaker.
  3. Electro Sensitivity: Some individuals may feel a strange energy or even ill when they first start grounding. It’s important to understand that this sensation is simply your body adjusting to the Earth’s natural energy. If discomfort persists, it’s advisable to stop and start grounding in shorter sessions at a time to allow your body to adjust, gradually increasing exposure.
  4. Thunderstorms: During thunderstorms there may be grounding mat dangers and it’s recommended to unplug your grounding mat and any other earthing devices to follow general lightning safety guidelines. Though homes are rarely hit by lightning, this precaution ensures your safety.

Grounding Benefits

Grounding mats are a safe way to connect to the earth and they offer numerous potential health benefits:

  1. Improved Sleep: Many users report better sleep quality through regulating your circadian rhythm and helping your body balance cortisol.
  2. Reduced Inflammation: Grounding reduces inflammation, which can help with various chronic conditions and pain.
  3. Enhanced Well-being: Regular grounding can lead to a general sense of well-being and connectedness to nature.
  4. Stress Reduction: By connecting to the natural energy, grounding will help reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Grounding and the use of grounding mats are safe and offer numerous potential health benefits. By following proper guidelines and consulting with health professionals as needed, you can safely incorporate grounding into your routine.

Remember to start slowly, listen to your body, and enjoy the natural benefits of connecting with the Earth.

Grounding is a personal journey, and taking it at your own pace ensures a positive and enriching experience.

Be grounded every day!

Top 10 Health Benefits of Earthing Backed by Science

  • Reduces / Eliminates Chronic Inflammation
  • Reduces / Eliminates Pain
  • Enhances Immune Response
  • Improves Sleep
  • Improves Blood Flow
  • Improves Energy
  • Decreases Stress
  • Improves Hormone Imbalance
  • Accelerates Healing
  • Protects Against Damaging EMFs


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