The Barefoot Grounding Revolution
Welcome to BeGrounded! We are passionate about sharing the wonders of natural health solutions and barefoot grounding is THE best way of supporting your whole body health.
Consider that a human foot is home to about 7,000 nerve endings that all correspond to specific areas of the body, including organs, the spine and your head which is why going barefoot grounding is such a great way of healing.
Fascia surrounds each muscle and connects with a fascial sheath that surrounds each organ, and then small fibres connect the sheaths around each organ down to each little cluster of cells.
In this way, we can better understand how just one small tiny piece of skin connected with the ground can nourish the whole body with the electrons required for electrical balance and healing.
Our modern society means that we tend to live and work in insulated buildings, with synthetic carpets and flooring. We move between places in cars, and then we wear rubber-soled shoes and trainers …..and without really realising it, we are almost permanently disconnected from the ground.
The good news is it’s never too late to reverse the many years we have all spent insulated from the earth, and if you can’t go outside barefoot, there are lots of options to be grounded indoors.
When electrons enter the body through the feet, they immediately migrate upward so the longer and more often you are connected to the earth, the better for your body, your overall health, and general well-being.
Try it every day.
Even if its just for 5 minutes at a time.
Make it a habit just like you do with cleaning your teeth.
Don’t think about it, just do it. Your body will thank you for it.
Here’s what regular grounding gives you:
👣 Reduces/eliminates chronic inflammation
👣 Reduces/eliminates pain
👣 Enhances immune response
👣 Improves sleep
👣 Improves blood flow
👣 Improves energy
👣 Decreases stress
👣 Improves hormone imbalance
👣 Accelerates healing
But What is Barefoot Grounding?
The concept is as simple as it sounds. Barefoot grounding, also known as “earthing,” involves making direct contact with the Earth—be it walking barefoot on grass, sand, or any natural ground. This simple act allows you to absorb free electrons from the Earth, balancing the electrical charges in your body.
The Science Behind Barefoot Grounding
Some of you may be wondering how something as simple as touching the ground can have any impact on your health. There’s actually a body of scientific research that supports the health benefits of grounding. Free radicals—unstable molecules that can damage cells—are neutralized by the Earth’s natural, negative charge. When you make contact with the Earth, these free electrons act like antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals and reducing inflammation.
A fascinating study showed that grounding could potentially reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. While more research is needed, these findings have propelled earthing into the spotlight, sparking interest among medical professionals and the general public alike.
The Wide Range of Health Benefits
Reduce Inflammation and Chronic Pain
One of the most well-documented benefits of grounding is its ability to reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation is often at the root of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease and chronic pain. By neutralising free radicals, grounding has can aid in alleviating these conditions.
Improve Sleep and Mental Health
Countless testimonials and studies indicate that grounding can improve sleep quality. The Earth’s natural electrons promote relaxation and stress reduction, making it easier for people to fall asleep and stay asleep. There’s nothing like a solid 8 hours of sleep to benefit both mental and physical health as it’s the time that your body is in it’s natural rest and repair state.
How Long Should You Ground?
It’s recommended to spend at least 30 minutes each day connecting to the ground. Whether you prefer walking barefoot on grass or lying down on the beach, the key is to make direct contact with natural ground surfaces – and a little and often is better than nothing.
Whilst barefoot grounding is safe and beneficial to us, there are some points to consider.
Natural Ground Vs. Modern Surfaces
Rubber-soled shoes and artificial ground surfaces can interrupt the flow of free electrons from the Earth. For effective grounding, it’s essential to walk on natural ground surfaces like grass, sand, or soil.
Allergies and Open Wounds
If you have allergies to grass or soil, or if you have open wounds on your feet, it’s best to take precautions. You wouldn’t want to make contact with the Earth only to end up with an allergic reaction or an infection.
BeGrounded’s Commitment
At BeGrounded, we aim to make grounding as convenient as possible for you. Understanding that modern life doesn’t always allow us to go barefoot outdoors, we offer grounding mats and grounding sleep mats that can be used indoors. We supply only the best quality Earthing® brand designed and developed over 25+ years by Earthing pioneer, Clint Ober. These products provide a practical way to experience the natural healing power of the Earth while maintaining contact with the Earth in your daily life.
Conclusion: A Step Towards Natural Healing
With our busy lives, it’s easy to lose touch with the Earth and its healing powers. But it’s never too late to start grounding. As simple as it sounds, taking off your shoes and making direct contact with natural ground could be a profoundly effective way to improve your health.
Ready for more? Visit BeGrounded’s range of products designed to connect you effortlessly to the Earth’s healing energy and experience the transformation that grounding can bring to your life.