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Grounding Kits

What Is Grounding?

Grounding is becoming increasingly popular amongst people and is also known as Earthing. This typically means walking barefoot outside which connects with the Earth’s surface electrons. There are other ways that this can be done, through the use of various grounding kits. These kits help transfer the energy from the ground into the body although the topic is considered under-researched. Recent studies identify that grounding helps with the living matrix and the central connector between living cells. It is believed that the body can restore functions within the immune system defence.

On top of this, there is scientific evidence linking to reducing muscle damage and pain, suggesting that grounding may help influence the human’s healing abilities. It is important to note that most of these studies rely on subjective matters such as self-reported feelings of the individual. Like most things, more studies and research must be conducted to get the definitive benefits of grounding.


Grounding Socks

That’s right, there are grounding socks available which are perfect for those working long hours in the office and unable to be grounded outside. A great part of the grounding kits as it’s easy to use and won’t take up any room in your bag. Working long hours in the office can sometimes be stressful and what better way to relieve that stress than by using grounding socks? Am I right?

How Do They Work?

The preferred method is listed below:

  • Step 1: Push the UK Safety Adapter into your grounded outlet.
  • Step 2: Put on the socks.
  • Step 3: Push the Coil Cords into the Safety Adapter.
  • Step 4: Snap the Coil Cords onto the conductive snap on each Sock.

*It is important to note that these also work by placing feet on any grounding product that is already plugged in, such as the grounding mat.


Grounding Patches

Sit, relax, stretch, work, and sleep while wearing the Grounding Patches. They deliver electrons straight to the area you need them most. The grounding patches are very easy to transport as they are small, this is what makes them a great addition to your Grounding kits.

How Does This Work?

Attach 1-2 Grounding Patches to your body using the Coil Cords from your Grounding Patch Kit or other Earthing products.

Peel and securely stick the Grounding patch anywhere on your body, avoiding hair and other sensitive areas.

If you don’t have a specific area on your body that you’d like to target the earth’s electrons, then apply the Patch(es) to the sole(s) of your feet in the K1 spot or to the palm(s) of your hand(s).


Grounding Pillow Cover Pack

The Grounding Pillow Cover is one of the most significant grounding kits around as it allows you to remain grounded in the presence of your own home. Even better, you can easily take this with you on any trips that you may go on. Whether on holiday or away from work, this is easily transportable so you can take it everywhere. Sometimes work schedules become extremely busy leaving us with limited time to walk barefoot outside to experience the earth’s natural electrons. This is what makes the Grounding pillow cover pack so popular as it can be used anywhere and is easily transportable.

How Does It Work?

The pillow cover fits over your existing pillow and is designed with our thin, perforated and 100% conductive carbon tech material.

Sleep directly on the pillow cover or use it under your existing pillowcase. Plug into your grounded outlet, and enjoy your blissful, grounded sleep.


Grounding Mat Pack

The grounding mat is one of the most flexible earthing device options around. This is because it can be used in various different ways including on your desk under the keyboard or on the bed. The pack includes a universal conductive earthing mat, earthing cord and a UK adapter so you can begin reaping the rewards from being grounded.

The Grounding Mat is eco-friendly and non-toxic to provide you with a safe and premium quality grounding product. The thin black top conductive layer is the layer that makes contact with your body and is consumer-friendly, safe, and made of Polyurethane (PU).  Earthing™ PU Leather is vinyl-free and platelet free.

Carbon is the second most abundant element in the human body after oxygen and is what conducts the earth’s energy.  The thin layer of PU leather is infused with conductive carbon pigment for the conductive top layer, making the leather naturally flame-resistant without harsh chemicals.  The PU leather would not be conductive without the addition of carbon.

How Does It Work?

It is quite simple really, all you need to do is plug the mat in using the adaptor and you will feel the earth’s electrons.


You sure can, just go for a stroll barefoot on the concrete and you will be grounded.

Absolutely, once plugged into a UK socket that has been earthed you should feel the benefits of the grounding mats.

Going barefoot ( i.e. sit, stand, walk, run) outside directly on the earth, or you can swim/paddle in the sea/lake/river, for 30 minutes or more each day. On land, conductive surfaces for being grounded/earthing include soil, grass, sand, gravel, and rock. Concrete is also conductive. Moist surfaces are more conductive than dry. You cannot ground yourself on asphalt, vinyl, and wooden surface; they are not conductive.

If your daily routine, the weather, or surface conditions don’t accommodate outdoor grounding, you can conveniently ground yourself indoors whilst at home or at work using the sleep mat, sleep pillow or the univeral earthing mat. The best opportunity to gain the many benefits of earthing indoors is to sleep grounded.

With regards to how long you should be grounding/earthing yourself each day depends really on the amount of time you have available but anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour is considered beneficial.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Earthing Backed by Science

  • Reduces / Eliminates Chronic Inflammation
  • Reduces / Eliminates Pain
  • Enhances Immune Response
  • Improves Sleep
  • Improves Blood Flow
  • Improves Energy
  • Decreases Stress
  • Improves Hormone Imbalance
  • Accelerates Healing
  • Protects Against Damaging EMFs


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